Standing Against Hate: Change Maker Ayah Khalifa On Countering Islamophobia-Nov 2nd

Meet Ayah Khalifa

I am inspired by the many members of our community who are organizing to stop hate and discrimination in all its forms — and am excited to give you an opportunity to hear from one of them.

Please join us on Friday, Nov. 2 (2 p.m. ET) for a half-hour Facebook Live chat with Ayah Khalifa, one of AFSC's featured Change Makers.

As an American Muslim woman and the child of Sudanese immigrants, Ayah was deeply affected by the hateful rhetoric of the last president election and the rise in violence against Muslims in the U.S. Since then, she has drawn on her experiences — and her background in communications — to facilitate trainings with AFSC’s Communities Against Islamophobia project in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Ayah will be joined by colleagues Mary Zerkel and Shondell Ayala, who will host the conversation.

“The Trump administration uses rhetoric to justify surveillance of the Muslim community and racist policies,” says Ayah. “Instead of people looking at us [Muslims] as targets out of fear or hatred, we should try to understand each other, celebrate our differences, and build together.” 

Learn more by joining the converation on Nov. 2!